Iphone Wallpaper 3d

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

iPhone 3GS and previous all use 320px(w) x 480px(h) at 160dpi where as the current iPhone 4 'retina' display uses the a higher resolution screen at a pixel density of two. Meaning that there are two pixels used for every [...]
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Cool Iphone Wallpapers

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 8, 2012

Nowadays there are tons of different iPhone wallpapers from which you can choose from that would make your iPhone so much more unique and attractive. You can pick a wallpaper that suites your taste and style too. If you [...]
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Iphone Wallpaper

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The iPhone is not just a device, it has become a tool and accessory that nearly every individual possesses. iPhone users have some of the greatest bags of gadgets and some of the most advanced technologies on their phones, [...]
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Iphone Case

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 1, 2012

Congratulations! You got yourself an Apple iPhone. You finally have managed to buy one of the snazziest purchases of the decade! You sure might have sat there looking at it for a while, gazing at this sleek piece of technological [...]
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